As part of the implementation of the 13th region-Marocains Entrepreneurs du Monde by Confédération Générale des Entreprises du Maroc, AMCN in partnership with le Ministère délégué auprès du Ministre des Affaires Etrangères et de la Coopération Internationale Chargé des Marocains Résidant à l’Étranger et des Affaires de la Migration is organizing a Competencies Forum in Marrakech 0n April 3rd 2018.

The goal is to mobilize American-Moroccan competencies in the service of socio-economic development of Morocco.

In addition, this Forum aims to integrate the expertise of US-Moroccans in the process of the development of Morocco and to stimulate economic cooperation, trade, science and technology exchange between Morocco and the United States.

What are the objectives of this forum?

Promote opportunities for investment, commercialization, and collaboration in the thematic areas;
Develop with Moroccan Officials the framework for selecting and supporting successful project proposals to completion;
Highlight the expertise of US-Moroccans and their contribution to development of Morocco.
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